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DOVOLENKA - pracovnoprávna a mzdová príručka (E-kniha)

DOVOLENKA - pracovnoprávna a mzdová príručka (E-kniha)

Iveta Matlovičová

Hoci je právo na dovolenku v podmienkach Slovenskej republiky garantované Ústavou Slovenskej republiky, v praxi vyvoláva inštitút dovolenky mnoho nejasností na strane zamestnávateľov, ako aj zamestnancov. Nová publikácia vydavateľstva...

Information Literacy Models in Managerial Education

Information Literacy Models in Managerial Education

Vladimír Bolek

ICT penetrates all levels of the economy together with social life and thus changes society into the information society. It is defined as the society where information and information technologies are predominant. The issue of managerial education...

Information Literacy Models in Managerial Education (E-kniha)

Information Literacy Models in Managerial Education (E-kniha)

Vladimír Bolek

ICT penetrates all levels of the economy together with social life and thus changes society into the information society. It is defined as the society where information and information technologies are predominant. The issue of managerial education...